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DBS Admin 7 of 9

7. Step 5 - Advise Applicant

  1. Get the applicant's email address from the membership database on Pitchero
  2. Send them an email advising them that the DBS application has been made. You can copy and paste the text between the lines below

  3. I have entered your ID details for the DBS check by the RFU for HRFC, and have deleted the pictures of the ID that I took for this.You will receive an email from which will provide a link for you to complete further information and give consent for the application. Please action this quickly, it should take you less than 5 minutes.If you have any questions there is a DBS FAQ on our website which also gives a summary of the process in answer to Q13.
  4. Once this email is sent then ensure you delete the any pictures of ID taken to do the application
  5. In the member record on Pitchero enter the text below into the DBS Expiry Date field (obviously changing the day and date to the date the application was made)
  6. *** Applied on Tue Oct 1 2019